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Bioray After The Flow


After The Flow® nourishes and strengthens the blood and body after a woman’s menstrual cycle. Improvement of absentmindedness is noted when used regularly. After emptying during the period phase, the uterus needs to be refilled with nourishing herbs and minerals, such as those in After The Flow®, supporting the uterine lining that was shed during the menstrual period. This process occurs from day five of the period phase to ovulation. *

After The Flow® nourishes and strengthens the blood and body after a woman’s menstrual cycle. Improvement of absentmindedness is noted when used regularly.

After emptying during the period phase, the uterus needs to be refilled with nourishing herbs and minerals, such as those in After The Flow®, supporting the uterine lining that was shed during the menstrual period. This process occurs from day five of the period phase to ovulation. *


  • Replenishes trace minerals & other nutrients lost*
  • Nourishes and strengthens the blood & body*
  • Heightens a woman’s sense of well-being*
  • Relieves stress and exhaustion


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